A Birth Photo Story
Seton Hospital, Kyle, Texas
I was on-call to photograph a birth with a May due date. When all of a sudden, I got the text on Sunday, April 23rd that said: “My water broke! We are headed to the hospital!!“
I double checked I had everything I needed in my camera bag and backpack (which had been packed and ready for the last two weeks). Then I headed down the highway. Thankfully it was a Sunday, so I-35 wasn’t too bad. I quickly arrived at the hospital and headed to Labor & Delivery just before lunch.
The mom got her first check-up and was only 1 cm dilated. And so the clock started and the waiting began. Waiting with the in-laws in the room, watching sports, watching the numbers on the monitor as medication was started. Lots of waiting.
Four hours later and still only 1 cm. More medication, more waiting. Mom trying to get comfortable on the yoga ball, then trying standing and moving around. Background TV playing Adam Sandler movies and the Cartoon Network.
After the dinner check-up, there was some dilation progress but baby was taking his time to get ready to come out. Epidural happened just before bed and pitocin was given to keep moving things along.
And we all tried to sleep for a few hours. Grandma and the Dad on the pull-out couch. I was on the recliner. A few restless hours sleep as nurses came in to check stats.
The 4:30am check-in just showed 4 1/2 cm dilation. When the cafeteria opened at 6:30am, I went to grab some breakfast and freshen up for what would happen next.
The 7:30am check-in showed full dilation and full readiness. THE PUSHING COULD BEGIN! One hour of intense pushing later and out came her sweet baby – weighing over 8 pounds and ready to be welcomed into their family.
After spending over 23 hours by their side, I headed back down the highway on Monday, April 24th, ready to take a nap and then edit the photos.

Please check out some of my favorite images from their birth photography session below and contact me if you’d like to book your own photo session.

1. What prompted you to have this photo session?
After a really hard time getting pregnant, we wanted to make sure every moment was capture of our precious miracle.
2. What advice would you give to others planning a birth photography session?
The photos aren’t meant for the entire world, some will be, but it’s mostly for you. You forget all the pain of labor and birth once baby is here, it’s so special to be able to go back and look and remember that hard work.
3. Anything else you’d like to add?
Stephanie is amazing! She is super responsive and helpful! After my appointments, she’d check in and see what was going on. She was super flexible, and open to anytime he wanted to come. We had a scheduled induction, and she was perfectly fine with that. However, baby boy decided he wanted to come about 4 days earlier, and she was right here ready to go. Stephanie is a great person and you’re lucky to have her!!
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