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Online Learning Resources for Kids

Online Learning Resources for Kids

The kids are at home for at least the next few weeks, and I'm so grateful that our school district sent out some resources and lesson plans over the weekend. I wanted to share some of the sites from that list as well as places my co-workers, friends and family have...

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Now Booking – Spring Portrait Sessions

Now Booking – Spring Portrait Sessions

Now Booking Spring Portrait Sessions Click on the calendar below to book your Spring Portrait Session this March, April or May 2020 in Austin, TX. A $50 deposit is required to hold your spot. The remainder of the fee is due at your session (package information here)....

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48 Hours in Houston –  Weekend Art Trip

48 Hours in Houston – Weekend Art Trip

You have 48 hours in Houston without kids - what do you do? If you're me, you make Art the theme of your trip and hit the road. Here's a sample itinerary: Friday - Drive to Houston from Austin (making sure to stop at Buc-ee's on the way). As you look at all the...

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