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Evanston Family Photo Session – Northwestern campus
Due to some recent work and family travel, I've gotten to photograph several members of my department. In addition to being a family photographer, I also work with a group of image acquisition specialists for an educational publisher. For these family sessions, I've...
St. Edwards Park – Wildflower Portrait Session
While the wildflowers were putting on such a show at St. Edwards Park, I met up with this sweet family for some Spring portraits. The kids were great sports to go exploring in the tall grass among the sticky burrs. We had staring contests: Piggy-back rides: And lots...
Max & Miles – St. Edwards Park wildflowers
What does the promise of a trip to the Arcade get you? Cooperative children for 30 minutes in the beautiful fields of wildflowers at St. Edwards Park in Austin this Spring. This year has been so glorious for wildflowers (the best one in the last 10 years), and when I...
Protected: 5th Grade Graduation Party – Pool Photo Booth
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Mueller Park Wildflowers – Spring Family Photo Session
You may not believe it, but this was the first time this family of five had ever had family photos taken. They requested Spring wildflowers, so we met out at the Southwest Greenway (part of the Mueller Park development). If you've never had a family photo session...
Heather & Carsyn – Bluebonnet Spring Session
Most Austin photographers will tell you that there are no sure things when it comes to bluebonnet season. Yes, you can plan around the end of March/early April to get good blooms, but Mother Nature makes no promises. You might get high winds, cold weather, endless...
Let’s go to the library – Downtown Spring Portrait Session
"Where should we take photos this year?" (is a conversation Truman's mom and I have every Spring). Well, let's all pause for a minute to appreciate flashback Truman first (circa 2012). Same winning smile, just lots more freckles these days. Anyway, we've done...
Northwest Park Bluebonnets – Spring Family Session
When a local photographer friend was going to be out of town, she gave this family my name to try and fill her shoes in the bluebonnets. I was happy to help out! We met up at Northwest Park and explored the field of wildflowers, rock-filled stream bed and nearby metal...
Shingle Creek – Orlando Family Portrait Session
The last time I saw this family, we had maternity and newborn sessions back to back (unexpectedly). This trip just got to have one planned session for Spring photos. Since we know each other through work (and these two met at work), and the fields behind work have...
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