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The C. Family – Wimberley Photo Session
This fun family was visiting Wimberley, TX for the holidays - and I drove out to get some extended family portraits while they were all together. Please enjoy this sneak peek of their Family Portrait session. To see all the photos and purchase prints from their...
The L. Family – Two-Part Family Photo Session
This lovely family got a two-part photo session. We started out in the fog at the Butterfly Bridge and Central Library - but once the rain started, we had to call it quits. So we met up again at the park behind Central Market for some additional family pics. Please...
Heather & Carsyn – Holiday Portrait Session
Now that holiday cards have gone out, I can share the second part of the Wonder Woman photo session (this mama is smart and gets her Halloween + Christmas photos done in one fell swoop). For their family photos, we enjoyed sunrise at Butler Park with some giggling,...
The W. Family – Bridge & Library Photo Session
This Houston Family (including sweet dog, Rusty) was a treat to photograph checking out the new Central Library and exploring the Butterfly Bridge. We climbed around inside and out. And finding a garbage truck toy on the reading porch was just the icing on the cake....
The L. Family – Holiday Photo Session
What a fun and easy-going family! (or maybe after a string of sessions with 2-year-olds, it seemed amazingly easy to have older kids who don't take off running when you turn the camera their way 🙂 ) With her oldest kids home for the Thanksgiving holidays, this mom...
The P. Family – Downtown Photo Session
This family of five (plus Grandma along to help wrangle kiddos) met me at the Butterfly Bridge next to the new Austin Central Library downtown for their holiday photo session. There was climbing and running and a few snuggles thrown in as well. Please enjoy this sneak...
The F. Family – Downtown Photo Session
This sweet family of four met me at the Butterfly Bridge downtown next to the new Austin Central Library. We looked for turtles in the water, played leap frog around the rocks and had a few staring contests. Please enjoy this sneak peek of their Family Portrait...
Garcia Family – Before & After (Maternity/Newborn Session)
It's not every Maternity Session that has a Newborn Session happen about 36 hours later. But I'm getting ahead of myself. I was traveling to Orlando, FL for work - and made time to take some photos of these friends/co-workers. It was 3 weeks until due date - so really...
Max & Miles – Raking in the Leaves
We spent a good two hours one weekend morning alternating between raking then playing in the leaves. Then the boys wanted to climb into the leaf bags as nests. I hope yard work brings you as much joy 🙂 ===== stephanie friedman. austin family photography. your life....
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