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Wimberley Creekside – Spring Family Portrait Session
I went out to Wimberley, TX to photograph this lovely family. I've known the mom for almost 20 years, and it was such a nice evening to walk around their land, pick wildflowers and feed the fish by the dam. Jen, Gregory, Helen and new baby sister, Coral played in the...
Heather & Carsyn – Spring Portrait Session
Heather and Carsyn met me at Balcones District Park in the bluebonnets for their Portrait Session. So put on your floral crown, your twirliest dress and come along... Please enjoy this sneak peek of their Spring Photo session. To see all the photos and purchase prints...
The S. Family – Spring Portrait Session
Cori, Daniel and 6-year-old Jacob met me out at Katherine Fleischer Park for their Spring portrait session. It’s a great spot in North Austin with the historical Gault Homestead. We went exploring and talked about Legos, light sabers and lost teeth. Please enjoy this...
Nursery Rhymes with a Twist – Photo Workshop
Can you spot the Three Blind Mice, Little Boy Blue, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Little Miss Muffet, Jack and Jill, and Jack jumped over the candlestick? If so, it's thanks to Color Inc, Sally Kate Photography and Chubby Cheek Photography for the large dose of...
Max & Miles – Painting a Rocket Ship
After reading a school book about monkeys who eat bananas with their feet, Max was inspired to paint his backyard rocket ship the same way. And faster than you can say, "monkey see, monkey do" - Miles loved that idea & both boys were more covered in paint than the...
Now Booking – Spring Portrait Sessions
Interested in a family portrait session in March, April or May 2017? Contact me below: [contact-form to='sfriedman@grandecom.net' subject='Spring Portrait Session - Inquiry'][contact-field label='Name' type='name' required='1'/][contact-field label='Email'...
The T. Family – Holiday Portrait Session
BrieAnna, Davin and 2-year-old Ryder met me out at Common Ford Ranch for their holiday portrait session. It's a great spot in West Austin with an old barn, lots of trails and a lakefront boat ramp. We went exploring, hunted for bugs and fished (for dinosaurs). Please...
The L. Family – Holiday Portrait Session
Taking advantage of the cooler Fall weather, I met up with Steph, Mark, Maya and Bryn at Central Market for their Holiday Portrait Session. The girls had fun throwing leaves and looking for ducks in the pond (there were no ducks). Please enjoy this sneak peek of their...
The Cousins Family – Holiday Portrait Session
The Cousins Family were the lucky bidders on the photography session I donated for the school's Viva Gullett Auction this past Spring. For their Holiday Portrait Session, we took advantage of the beautiful weather and went wandering around Zachary Scott Theater and...
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