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The Linden Family – Spring Portrait Session
I'm happy to share with you the Linden Family photo session held at Brushy Creek Community Center. So even if your kid throws up in the car on the way to your originally scheduled portrait session, then it's thundering and lighting on your rescheduled date, and you're...
Camp Mabry Pond – Location Scouting
You can live in Austin for over 20 years and still find spots in the city you've never been to. Now - I've visited the Camp Mabry track - but little did I know until another mom told me - that there's also a pond to visit there. And as we were pulling up, we got to...
The Catania Family – Spring Portrait Session
Ginny, Elliot and Levi met me for sunrise at Lady Bird Lake last weekend. We explored the fields of wildflowers then watched the rowers on the water. The bluebonnets were almost gone, but the Indian Paintbrushes more than made up for it. Please enjoy this sneak peek...
Truman – Spring Portrait Session
I met up with Truman & Family by the Pedestrian Bridge before sunset. We watched the trains, listened to the drum circle that happened to be there and practiced our best ninja style jumps. Please enjoy this sneak peek of his Spring Portrait session. To see all the...
Mindful Classrooms – Kickstarter Live!
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/2117830395/mindful-classrooms Hello, Mindful Classrooms Kickstarter! Please SHARE, DONATE, ENJOY! I've had so much fun taking the photos for this project. And at home, Max is having conversations with me about meditating and my...
Wild Basin Wilderness Preserve – Location Scouting
Photos from three separate trips to Wild Basin are shown here. The boys love running the trails - though Miles prefers to be carried back up from the Waterfall Trail (hello, morning workout). There are some gorgeous vistas and easy loops as well. It's free to hike,...
Cooper Family – Bluebonnet Portrait Sessions
I met up with the Cooper Family at Balcones District Park for their Bluebonnet portrait session. Some sessions lend themselves to more laughter and more excitement - like when Matt (3) tripped and fell in dog poop on our way to the bluebonnets (pictures taken so far:...
St. Edward’s Park – Location Scouting (Waterfall video)
https://youtu.be/Z2yXz58BD7w If you take the Blue Trail at St. Edward's Park - you can come across this idyllic scene as well. Miles was happy to throw rocks into Bull Creek as we stopped in our explorations. As long as the water stays high, it would make a lovely...
Balcones District Park – Location Scouting
Updating with some Bluebonnet field/Trail pics as well: And from a few weeks earlier... We went to visit Balcones District Park - I was curious if their wildflower field was doing anything yet (answer: no). But we had the hiking trails to ourselves (except for a few...
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