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Max & Miles – University of Texas

Max & Miles – University of Texas

We took the boys to the University of Texas this weekend to run around. Our favorite spot is the Architecture Building's courtyard - get a load of that beautiful tile work in the empty fountain. I imagine it would be an ever nicer spot around sunset. We also walked...

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Mill Pond – Location Scouting

Mill Pond – Location Scouting

We went exploring at Mill Pond yesterday morning - and saw three photo shoots as we went around the loop. There were a few trees holding on to their yellow leaves, some mud off the trail path and lots of fallen branch piles. ===== stephanie friedman. austin family...

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Max & Miles – Nature Scavenger Hunt

Max & Miles – Nature Scavenger Hunt

We took the boys back to one of our favorite spots, Twin Lakes Park, so Miles could gather items for his Nature Scavenger Hunt for school. We looked for animals tracks & birds nests, gathered fall leaves and kept track of our treasures to take home. And on the way...

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