Brushy Creek Community Center – Location Information

Brushy Creek Community Center – Location Information

Open to the public with plenty of parking, the Brushy Creek Community Center gardens were a popular spot during past Fall sessions.

With Springtime and sessions starting back up again this year, I wanted to see how their gardens looked in March/April. Given our Texas growing season (and the cold winter we’ve had) – I’ve learned that plants that were taller than my clients last Fall have been cut back or replaced. Now the garden is full of blooming bulbs – but most plants are only knee-high so far. Nevertheless, still some fun, photogenic spots to explore. I especially like their wooden bridge and arbor way mostly covered with yellow blossoms. And the bees sure were happy with all the Spring blooms that were there. The hyacinth were just dreamy. Just a much more open space than last time I was there photographing.

Ramsey Park – Location Information

Ramsey Park – Location Information

We took the boys to play at Ramsey Park recently. We hadn’t realized all the recent improvements that had taken place over the last year. There were lots of fun, new playground structures to explore. Though half the park is still covered in orange construction fencing, so more to come in that Master Plan.

I tend not to like playgrounds for portrait sessions. You can get great, natural smiles, but the kids just want to do their own thing (and there isn’t always an easy place to include parents in the shots). Only if you wanted a primarily candid session for just the kids would I recommend it. Never the less, the boys had a blast. Max climbed all over that rope structure like Spiderman, and Miles was thrilled to go on the slide again and again and again and again.

Red Bud Isle – Location Information

Red Bud Isle – Location Information

Last time I was at Red Bud Isle was for Allie and John’s engagement photos with their sweet dog, Marley. I wanted to see how the Mexican plum and Redbud trees were doing this Spring. We went out Sunday morning, and like last time, the biggest issue was parking. There are only a few spots to be had in the lot (and with dog training lessons going on that morning as well) – zero spots were open. Ted and Miles ended up dropping off Max and me for some brief exploring.

If you did want a family portrait session here (highly recommended in Springtime if you also want to include your family dog(s), you’d either have to have the best parking karma ever, be dropped off or park over a mile away and hoof it back. Not the best scenario if you want to look your sparkling best for family photos.

I need to investigate if weekday mornings or evenings are less crowded as an option. Though if any of your kiddos are at all afraid of dogs, it’s a mostly off-leash park.